Supporting our Immigrant, Refugee, and Undocumented Students & Families

Hands Together

Every day, PSESD stands with our immigrant and refugee families.

The Puget Sound Educational Service District has a board approved End or vision of Success for Each Child and Eliminate the Opportunity Gap by Leading with Racial Equity. 

PSESD is dedicated to supporting school districts, early learning providers, and regional educational partners by providing resources and professional development for teachers, staff, and administrators. These resources focus on current policies and best practices that address the needs of undocumented students, refugee students, and their families.

Below, you will find resources designed to help you support these students and their families. We also recognize that some staff members may be personally affected or have questions. In such cases, we encourage district employees to first reach out to their central office staff for support.

Immigrant Students' Rights to Attend Public Schools

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Plyler vs. Doe (457 U.S. 202 (1982)) that undocumented children and young adults have the same right to attend public primary and secondary schools as do U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Like other children, undocumented students are obliged under state law to attend school until they reach a mandated age. As a result of the Plyler ruling, public schools may not:

  1. Deny admission to a student during initial enrollment or at any other time on the basis of undocumented status. 
  2. Treat a student differently to determine residency.
  3. Engage in any practices to "chill" the right of access to school.
  4. Require students or parents to disclose or document their immigration status.
  5. Make inquires of students or parents that may expose their undocumented status.
  6. Require social security numbers from all students, as this may expose undocumented status. (Adults without social security numbers who are applying for a free lunch and/or breakfast program on behalf of a student need only indicate on the application that they do not have a social security number.) ~Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Click Here for more information about this ruling, see OSPI's website HERE, for live updates from OSPI, see website HERE.


Conozca Sus Derechos Folletos~ Know Your Rights Pamphlets
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project Spanish English  
Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network Spanish English  
Mijente Spanish English  
National Immigration Law Center Spanish English Korean
ACLU Spanish English Arabic
ACLU Farsi Hindi French


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