Regional Committee on School District Organization
This program provides information regarding the transfer of territory from one district to another, consolidation of one or more school districts with one or more school districts and dissolution and annexation of territory. This program also facilitates hearings regarding requests for transfer of territory.
The intent and purpose of school district organization is found in RCW 28A.315.015. It states:
“It is the state’s policy that decisions on proposed changes in school district organization should be made, whenever possible, by negotiated agreement between the affected school districts. If the districts cannot agree, the decision shall be made by the regional committee on school district organization, based on the committees’ best judgement, taking into consideration the following factors under RCW 28A.315.205 (4) (a through e).
RCW 28A.315.195 contains the process for transfer of territory by petition.
It is not the intent or purpose of school district organization to attend to individual student problems or preferences. That is handled by other means such as student release policies and is the duty and responsibility of the local school district board of directors.
The process for transferring school district territory is NOT a simple one. The legal description contained on the petition MUST be accurate and MUST involve property adjacent to either school district’s current boundaries. This description must be developed before circulating the petition since names of registered voters that do not reside in the proposed transfer area WILL BE REJECTED during the verification process. It is advised that you meet at the ESD to compare the proposed transfer area with current maps and legal descriptions of the affected school districts.
To continue the process you will need to obtain a petition. To do this, contact: Jane Murray, Assistant Fiscal Officer, Puget Sound Educational Service District,, phone: (SEA) 425-917-7778, (TAC) 253-778-7778.
Regional Committee Members on School District Organization
The Puget Sound Educational Service District has nine (9) regional committee members for school district organization as stated in RCW 28A.315.105.
1 | Vacant | Seattle (part), Shoreline | 2017 – 2020 |
2 | Vacant | Seattle (part), Bainbridge Island, Vashon Island | 2019 – 2022 |
3 | Laurie Koehler | Seattle (part), Mercer Island, Bellevue, Issaquah | 2017 – 2020 |
4 | Vacant | Lake Washington, Northshore, Skykomish, Riverview | 2019 – 2022 |
5 | Becky Nickels | Seattle (part), Renton, Kent | 2017 – 2020 |
6 | Dan Rollins | Auburn, Puyallup, Dieringer, Sumner, Tahoma, Snoqualmie Valley, Enucmlaw | 2019 – 2022 |
7 | Vacant | Federal Way, Highline, Tukwila, Fife | 2017 – 2020 |
8 | Dawn Warren | Tacoma, Peninsula, University Place | 2019 – 2022 |
9 | Larry Wilcox | Steilacoom, Orting, Clover Park, Franklin Pierce, Bethel, Eatonville, Carbonado, White River | 2017 – 2020 |
* Terms begin on the second Monday of January.
Operating Procedures for PSESD Regional Committee
Committee hearings and meetings are to be held as needed. Action can only be taken on those items appearing on the committee agenda.
- Meetings and hearings will start promptly at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise stated.
- The committee may postpone action on any items when, in their opinion, additional facts or clarification of facts may enhance a decision, or in their opinion, the parties to a decision have not had ample time to prepare for the public hearing.
- The secretary and chair shall prepare an agenda for each meeting. The secretary shall mail the agenda and materials to all members at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting or hearing.
- Members are expected to attend each meeting or hearing. If not able to attend, members will notify the secretary. Three (3) consecutive absences without excuse acceptable to the committee shall constitute cause to terminate committee membership.
- All proceedings will be recorded. Copies of the minutes are on file in the Puget Sound ESD office and are a matter of public record.
Vacancies occurring for any reason, including at the end of the term of any member of a regional committee who was elected before June 12, 2008, shall be filled by appointment by the educational service district board of directors as provided in Chapter 28A.315.105 RCW
- The chair is a voting member of the committee.
- The ESD superintendent shall serve as secretary to the committee, is ex-officio, and a non- voting member.
- A quorum shall consist of five (5) members.
- The petitioner and each school district involved will complete a Transfer of Territory Checklist stating their case. The ESD shall compile the checklist information. This information will be mailed to the regional committee with the petition and other pertinent materials.
- All districts affected, committee members, and petitioners will be informed of the date and time of the hearing at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled hearing.
- Parties interested in addressing the committee must sign in (sign-in sheet at door) prior to the meeting.
- Delegations must select a spokesman to present the petition. All interested parties will be allowed to speak, but at the discretion of the chair. Time limits may be imposed on speakers.
- Members of the general public may address the committee only during the public hearing, or at the request of the committee chair when the chair or a member of the committee has requested the chair to obtain further information from those members of the public present.
- When sub-committees of the committee are authorized by the committee, as provided in Chapter 28A.315.095 RCW, the chair shall appoint the sub-committee chair.