Government Relations

Puget Sound Educational Service District provides local, state and federal government relations support to 35 school districts, 9 charter schools, and 2 tribal compact schools in King, Pierce and Kitsap County.  We convene the superintendents to discuss timely policy issues, write and distribute position papers, liaise with local government officials, and communicate about how policy impacts our school districts.

2025 Federal Positions

  • School Safety, a comprehensive approach is necessary to prevent future school violence. School districts cannot independently solve this problem. Congress must act by directing resources to states and districts for school safety enhancements and passing more common-sense gun safety legislation. 2025 Federal Paper - School Safety
  • Educator Diversity, support to recruit and retain educators of color in our K-12 classrooms, professional development for all educators and staff in the areas of equity, cultural competency, and dismantling institutional racism. 2025 Federal Paper - Educator Diversity
  • Early Learning, support to recruit and retain educators of color, sustained funding for early learning, and increases in the income eligibility threshold for Early Head Start and Head Start. 2025 Federal Paper - Early Learning
  • Mental Health & Antiracist Social, Emotional Learning, support to implement trauma-informed school policies and practice, increased mental health and counseling supports for students, identification of best practices on how states and districts can utilize positive behavior supports, support to implement restorative justice practices that support students process, learning and growth. 2025 Federal Paper - Antiracist, SEL
  • Postsecondary Readiness, increasing support for high school and college advising, investing in equity-based scholarships to remove college completion barriers, revised assessment and placement processes and continued simplification of FASFA.2025 Federal Paper - Postsecondary
  • Special Education, fully funding the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is essential to ensuring students with disabilities receive equal access to and opportunity they need to achieve their highest potential in education, employment, independence, and life success. 2025 Federal Paper - Special Education

All 2025 Federal Positions Papers

2025 Regional Districts Legislative Positions

Our 2025 Regional Districts Legislative Positions Paper represents superintendents of the Puget Sound region, representing nearly 40% of students across Washington state, 58% of whom are students of color, and our unwavering focus is on student learning and wellbeing. Our 2025 legislative priorities are aimed to create opportunities, address inequities and mitigate barriers for each and every student to succeed in school and in life. We ask the Legislature to support our efforts to eliminate opportunity gaps based on race, income and other factors that have become even more urgent and acute due to the pandemic, and that have historically disadvantaged our young scholars and their families. The solutions proposed make a significant investment in our educational system that will lead to student success.. Positions include:

Operating Budget:

  • Increase Special Education Funding
  • Materials, Supplies and Operating Costs
  • Support Pupil Transportation

Capital Budget:

  • Facilities Construction Modification
  • Simple Majority for Construction Bonds
  • Clean Buildings Compliance Funding Assistance

All 2025 Regional Positions Paper