Communications and Public Relations

We are a movement of communicators who believe that equitable access to education is not just an objective, but an obligation. We tell the stories of students, schools, programs and communities that are committed to creating a future defined by equitable opportunity.

Bringing together diverse perspectives and educational experiences, we use our history to inform our work – both as communications professionals and educational advocates. For the members of the Puget Sound ESD Communications team, this is more than just a job.

For more information, please contact:

L Michelle
Director of Communications

Madison Ruppel
Communications Consultant

Linda Mondragon
Communications Consultant


First page of the PDF file: CommunicationsINTERNALServices


Please see our brochures or go to our services page below for a full list of offerings! 

First page of the PDF file: CommunicationsEXTERNALServices