- Cultural Calendar
Observed on the third Monday in January each year, Martin Luther King Jr. Day (also known as Civil Rights Day) takes place this year on Monday, January 20, and provides each of us with a chance to recommit to being a force for Antiracism in the world.
The work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. must remain a constant inspiration for each of us, and it is a rich opportunity to celebrate his life and legacy even as we support his dream of a better world.
Dr. King is known for his stirring "I Have a Dream" speech, yet nearly 60 years later, he is also recognized for so much more. He remains a towering figure—a great leader, humanitarian, and activist who celebrated equality, compassion, education, diversity, and service. His words are as inspiring today for us as educators as they were then, reminding us that “The function of education is to teach intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education."
On this day of remembrance of his life and work – as we celebrate and uplift Dr. King's vision of achieving a truly Antiracist and equal society, this holiday provides a chance for all of us at PSESD to reaffirm and uplift our own commitment to inclusivity, equality, and diversity–in our students, teachers, staff, and partners.
Committing to the fight against racism, and to engaging meaningfully on the subject of inclusivity and diversity, is a mission and message whose importance has never been more vital for each of us. Join us in spreading Dr. King’s legacy and messages of hope in your community as we do so in our classrooms, schools, and districts.
Learn more at https://www.civilrightsmuseum.org/king-day.