- Cultural Calendar
July 14 is International Non-Binary People’s Day, which was created to raise awareness of the issues faced by non-binary people around the globe while also celebrating their courage and commitment to identity and self-knowledge.
A person identifying as non-binary does not identify solely as male or female, and instead may identify as both male and female, as neither, or as someone whose gender identity falls somewhere in between.
While the U.S. took time to recognize non-binary gender identity on a federal level, at the state level, Oregon was the first to do so in 2016, and it was quickly followed in 2017 by California and the District of Columbia, and in the hears to follow, by Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, and Washington. Meanwhile, at the Federal level, on April 11, 2022, passports added the availability of the non-binary “X” gender marker for all U.S. citizens.
To be an ally to the non-binary community, educate yourself on pronoun usage and practice greater awareness of gender-neutral thoughtfulness and sensitivity. Use gender-neutral language wherever possible, using they/them and other requested pronouns whenever requested. Take necessary steps to support and affirm non-binary people and communities, never make assumptions on gender, and never ask about a person’s assigned birth gender.
Practicing mindfulness and inclusivity will help you to ensure a safer and more inclusive world for all who identify as non-binary.
More Info: https://www.hrc.org/news/celebrating-the-diversity-of-the-non-binary-community-for-international-non