- Cultural Calendar
In education, the thousands who serve among the support professionals are an integral part of the industry and its importance.
That’s why it’s so important to celebrate their contributions each year for Education Support Professionals week, which takes place this year from March 11-15, 2024. The week was first noted for celebration in 1975 by PSE in order to salute the irreplaceable contributions of Education Support Professionals (or ESPs, for short) in the public school system.
With this in mind, please join us at PSESD this week in celebrating and spotlighting the tireless work by ESPs for the ways in which they help our students achieve, succeed and grow each day in our schools.
Here at PSESD, we have an incredible population of fantastic ESP workers who help us every day to provide a quality learning environment in countless ways large and small. These workers are an essential part of our daily lives, and they include a rich and diverse number of roles and skills—from custodians, secretaries, paraeducators, and office professionals, to health care workers, tradespeople, computer and tech support, maintenance workers, substitute teachers, transportation staff, groundskeepers, security staff, cooks and food service staff, and many others.
These Education Support Professionals are there for us and our students without fail, each morning, each afternoon, each day—in every aspect of our schools. And each one of them assists us in keeping our school district thriving.
Please join us in thanking our Education Support Professionals as we honor them for their exceptional work and service and celebrate them throughout the week!