- Cultural Calendar
Each June 11, King Kamehameha Day celebrates the accomplishments of “King Kamehameha the Great.”
A revered and leading figure in Hawai’ian history, King Kamehameha united the Hawaiian Islands in 1810, and a statue of the celebrated ruler stands in Honolulu today, alongside four other statues in Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, and Washington, D.C. Each year, events celebrating his accomplishments are held throughout the day – not just in Honolulu, but across all of the Hawai’ian islands.
During these celebrations, all of the statues of the king are decorated with flower leis, while vibrant and visually stunning events are held that include traditional ceremonies, luau feasts, and parades, led by the Annual King Kamehameha Celebration Floral Parade in Waikiki.
Learn more at https://sfca.hawaii.gov/resources/king-kamehameha-celebration-commission/.